2022 Closing Symposium
The SIGMA2 Closing Symposium presented an overview of scientific results obtained in the program, their impact on current seismic hazard assessment and earthquake engineering practice, and perspectives for future developments.
We would like to thank all participants for their attendance!
Date: May 31st to June 2nd 2022
NOVOTEL Avignon Centre
20 Bd Saint Roch
84000 AVIGNON, France
- Overview of SIGMA2 achievements
- Invited talks on seismic hazard topic
- Technical perspectives & Outlook
- Extended poster sessions
- Cruas-Meysse Nuclear Power Plant
- Open trenches in 2019 Le Teil earthquake surface rupture area and Paleoseismology (a short documentary on the topic is available on Youtube)
- N. Abrahamson: Non-ergodic ground motion models and uncertainty propagation (4.43 Mo)
- V. Alvez-Fernandes: Site effects : overview, numerical modeling and challenges (1.28 Mo)
- D. Baumont: Constraining seismicity parameters in PSHA application using strain rate estimates in a Bayesian framework (4.09 Mo)
Y. Fukushima: Seismic Hazard Assessment in the Last Decade and PFDHA Benchmarking (3.79 Mo)
- F. Hollender: Going further in the empirical estimation of site effects using coda, ambient vibrations and true free-field signals (12.15 Mo)
- A. Kottke: Perspectives on the application of RVT in ground motion modeling, soil response, and structural dynamics. (1.08 Mo)
- O. Ktenidou: On Kappa and hard rock motion (14.57 Mo)
- L. Margerin: Seismic attenuation in Europe, impact on seismology parameters (9.31 Mo)
- S. Mazzotti: Can geodetic rates be used for seismic hazard in France? (2.38 Mo)
- E. Nayman: Applying data mining to past earthquakes (3.16 Mo)
- J.-F. Ritz: The Mw4.9, 2019 Le Teil unexpected surface-rupturing event (La Rouvière Fault, Cévennes Fault System, France): What does paleoseismology reveal? (8.46 Mo)
- C. Smerzini: Advances and open challenges in engineering use of physics-based numerical simulation of earthquake ground motion (10.63 Mo)
- P. Traversa : Reference rock ground motion (1.87 Mo)
- G. Weatherill: Considerations and Implications of Testing Recent Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Analysis in Europe using Strong and Weak Motion Observations (9.09 Mo)
Final programme:
Symposium 2022 - Final programme (533.01 Ko)