2018 Symposium
Our 2nd Sympoisum was held on October 9th, 2018 at EDF Lab facilities, Paris-Saclay, France.This event gathered 90+ participants from the international seismic hazard and earthquake engineering communities.
Morning Session
- Introduction to 2nd SIGMA-2 Symposium (G. Daniel)
- 20181009 2ndsymposium introduction (1.14 Mo)
- 20181009 2ndsymposium introduction (1.14 Mo)
- Contribution of the SIGMA-2 research program to seismic risk assessment in the nuclear industry (E. Viallet)
- Co-seismic surface rupture and geometry of faults, key elements to understanding seismic source (Y. Klinger)
- Towards a best-estimate of source earthquake parameters (J. Mayor/E. Nayman)
- Sigma2 wp2 symposium oral oct2018 (3.27 Mo)
- Sigma2 wp2 symposium oral oct2018 (3.27 Mo)
- Reference rock ground-motion and high-frequency content: focus on the ongoing Kappa project (P. Traversa/Y. Bozorgnia)
- Wp3 traversa bozorgnia (3.04 Mo)
Afternoon Session
- Preliminary comparison of transferred Floor Response Spectra with RVT in Engineering Studies (J. Berger)
- 2018 10 09 sigma wp6 v3 (1.53 Mo)
- 2018 10 09 sigma wp6 v3 (1.53 Mo)
- Methodology for the generation of damage-consistent, intensity-bvased, waveforms for seismic risk assessment (M. Fasan)
- 09 10 18 sigma2 wp6 4 fasan (907 Ko)
- 09 10 18 sigma2 wp6 4 fasan (907 Ko)
- Constraining hazard using precarious balanced rocks (A. Kottke)
- Quantification of epistemic and aleatory variability: towards removing the ergodic component of site response (A. Rodriguez-Marek)
- Rodriguez marek edf oct2018 v5 (5.73 Mo)